Saturday, May 28, 2011

300 word murder mystery opening

Here is my 300 word set up of a murder mystery:

Thunder boomed loudly in the heavens, signaling another heavy downpour of rain.  Wind rushed with alarming speed.  Trees and bushes were shaken like rag dolls.  Another crash of thunder lit of the sky with an electric glow.  
The mad scene outside matched the mood of the terrible spectacle that unfolded itself inside the enormous mansion of Blackbird Lane.  In the great mansion’s company room, party guests looked at one another with suspicion and horror.  Directly in the center of the room, lying on the carpet, was a dead body.
Mr. Chester E. Woolworth, the owner of the mansion, had been a wealthy and highly respected gentleman.  His decision to invite several close friends to his mansion for supper had ultimately cost him his life.  
As the unrepentant rain showered down outside the ancient mansion, the victim’s wife stared at her husband’s corpse and began to wail for a third time.  The police had already been notified, but due to the unwonted storm had stated that it would be a while before a detective arrived.  
The road had flooded outside.  This obviously meant nobody could exit the mansion.  Now all the party guests could do was wait for the ominous scene to be resolved.
There was one elephant in the room?  Who had killed Mr. Woolworth? Undoubtedly somebody standing in this very room, since there was nobody else inside the mansion. 
Unspoken questions filled the minds of everyone inside the room? Had he been murdered by one of the party guests? Could it have been by his lovely wife? Or maybe his trusted butler? What motivation did the killer have to commit such a hideous deed?
Amidst all the uncertainty and confusion one thing was surely known.  Mr. Woolworth was dead, and he had been murdered.  This truly was a mystery!

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