Monday, May 30, 2011

Movies and Stuff

Well today I'm going to write my thoughts about several movies in theaters or yet to be released, enjoy!

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides- I went to see Pirates 4 last saturday, and I thought it was okay. Its tone was completely different from the other three "Pirates" movies.  The plot was pretty straightforward, and Johnny Depp was great as usual. However, there were several problems with the film. Blackbeard was not nearly as intimidating of a villain as Davy Jones.  Several scenes of the film were sleepy and boring. And the half-hearted attempt at a love story between a young missionary and a mermaid was completely unnecessary. Nonetheless I believe this film was well-done. Oscar worthy? No. Entertaining? Definitely.

Super 8- Honestly, I have no clue what this film is about.  But for a movie directed by "Lost" creator JJ Abrams and produced by Steven Spielberg, I don't even care what the plot is. Win.

Mr. Popper's Penguins- You can't go wrong with Jim Carrey, but the trailers make this movie seem filled with slapstick and fart jokes. I hope I'm wrong, because Jim Carrey is such an incredible actor.

Cars 2- Looks interesting. The trailers look impressive visually, but we'll have to see on story. An action/spy sequel to Cars seems strange. But Pixar hasn't failed yet!

The Zookeeper- Against all human belief or reason, this movie actually looks funny. Usually I would never want to see a movie like this, but "Zookeeper" interests me.  From the trailers I have seen, Kevin James seems energetic and funny.  An all star cast voices the zoo animals, including Sylvester Stallone, Adam Sandler, and even Cher.  This film appears clever without relying on toilet humor. I could be completely wrong, but hopefully "Zookeeper" is as funny as the trailer.

The summer is filled with action movies such as Green Lantern and Cowboys and Aliens. Those are usually hit or miss. All in all, there are several funny and interesting movies coming out this year.

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