Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What's wrong with the world?

Well I almost forgot about posting today, but luckily for you all I remembered. You can thank me later.

So what's up with the world? One old geezer says the world is going to end and people give him their life savings? Burglars can injure themselves in people's homes and win money in a legal procedure? People can become famous for having no talent? Justin Bieber is popular?

All these and more are reasons why I think the world is messed up. But there is one thing right in this horrible world, and that is... curling. I love throwing that awesome little round thing across the ice and using special brooms to sweep back and forth so the little round thing will land on a designated target. Oh how I enjoy playing that incredible game, drinking maple syrup and listening to polka music by my favorite artists such as Smithy McHaughenburger... ah... good times... good times... What was I talking about anyway?

Well, I kind of lost my train of thought, so let me conclude with an poem that I wrote that I thought was pretty meaningful:

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Lima is the capital of Peru

Thank you.

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