Thursday, June 9, 2011

20 things to do at a drive through

20 Things to do at a drive thru

      1. Order something that's not on the menu, like steak or pizza.
      2. When they ask you what you want to order, say “um, uh, well, i'll have the um, no, uhhhh.” and keep doing that for 10 minutes.
      3. When they repeat your order to see if they have it right, say that is wrong and you ordered something completely different.
      4. Pay with monopoly money.
      5. When they hand you your food, politely say “No, thanks.”
      6. Sing what you want to order.
      7. When the guy hands you the bag of food, pretend to be really scared of it, then open it and scream at the top of your lungs, then drive off.
      8. Throw a water balloon through the window.
      9. Ask for extra ketchup then when he gives you it yell “WHY ARE YOU GIVING ME KETCHUP?!? I HATE KETCHUP!!!
      10. Go through the drive thru line backwards
      11. Walk through the drive thru.
      12. Have a hockey mask on.
      13. When you get your food don't drive away, just sit there and eat the whole thing in front of the guy.
      14. Have headphones in your ears when you drive up to the window, close your eyes and sing “Baby, baby, baby” really loudly for a long time.
      15. When you get your food, look at it and pretend to go off into a long rant in a foreign language.
      16. When you get up to the window, hand them a bag of food before they hand you your food.
      17. Ask for extra napkins then drive off before they give them to you.
      18. Pretend to be talking on your phone for a long time, then when the guy tries to give you your food say “Can't you see i'm on the phone? I think you need to learn some manners.”
      19. Put sunglasses on then give the guy an envelope and say “Top secret information. Burn after reading. Our mission is as stake.”
      20. Squirt the guy handing you your food with a super soaker, then say “THAT'S FOR YESTERDAY SQUAREPANTS!!!”

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