Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Random Ramblings

     Well, I don't really have anything to post today, so I will just talk about some random stuff. Enjoy!
     There was a republican presidential debate on tv... its kind of early, in my opinion.  They should do the election like a reality show, with one candidate being voted off each weak.  Ryan Seacrest would host, and would say things like, "Newt Gingrich, you are safe." or "Barack Obama, you are in the bottom two."
     I want Newt Gingrich to win. I don't really know anything about him, but his name is awesome. Imagine someone introducing him as "Newt, the President of the United States."  That would give us Holy Grail fans something to chuckle about.
    Well, the election isn't for like another year, so it is kinda hard to predict who is going to win.  Anyway, the other day, I saw a commercial for a spray that eliminates bad dog breath.  Really people? Is this what the world is coming to?  Who is going to smell dog breath?  Dogs will eat anything, so I don't really think they care about their breath?  Maybe Harold Camping was right about the apocalypse.

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