Friday, June 3, 2011

Secret Message

Glad tidings, my friends, let us all rejoice.
Over hills and across rivers I have traveled to bring this news.
Though we have endured years of hardship, the evil king has been defeated!
Thaddeus, the brave and noble warrior, has slain him.
At last, we have reason to celebrate!
Grave, still, is our situation.
Even though the King has been slain, his wicked advisor, Morzan, lives on.
The Order of the Free Citizens will continue in our battle against the evil kingdom.
Death has come to many during this war, and will continue to claim brave soldiers.
Our spirits, however, will never break!
Whatever shall befall us, whoever shall oppress us, we will stand.
Never shall we forfeit, never shall we lose hope.
On the eve of every battle, we will never fear loss.
Nobody can destroy the Order of the Free Citizens!
For we covet what our enemies do not, peace and justice.
Righteousness will always prevail over evil.
I swear to you, good friends, that we will do everything we can to ensure your safety.
Dare not be afeared of the coming war!
Always have courage!
Yes, the Order of the Free Citizens will triumph!

Your faithful servant,
Randall Blimey, Knight of the Order of the Free Citizens.

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