Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Stupid Poem 2

If only we were all united
there would be no more war
there would be no more suffering
there would be no more death
there would be no more... uh.. 
no more horror
no more suffering
wait, I already said that 
but you get the point 
you don’t? 
um, well.
forget about that 
what do you want to talk about? 
the weather has been nice
very nice indeed
are you still here? 
go do something else
like read a book
or a magazine
or you could play the banjo
no, don’t play the banjo, that’s stupid
go, uh, climb a tree
or watch tv
hey that was a rhyme
do I get a dime?
stop, rhyming, you fool,
rhyming is uncool
i’m talking to myself now
how now, brown cow?
where there, white hair?
do you have a care?
why do you dare?
go sit in a chair?
is it rude to stare?
a triangle or square?
national health care?
a questionnaire? 
the electric chair?
the book of common prayer?
wow... that was stupid

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