Thursday, June 16, 2011

Top 10 Ways to Get Rid of a Door to Door Salesman

If an annoying salesman comes to your door and you want him to go away, try one of these ideas.

10. Answer the door but talk through a sock puppet.
9. Scream "Mama, we got ourselves another one, git the shotgun!" in a southern accent.
8. Hold a knife in your hand and say "I didn't take my medication this morning."
7. Answer the door in a telletubbie costume and say "I love you" with a big smile on your face.
6. Open the door and yell, "You forgot the harmonica!" and slam the door.
5. Quickly start throwing apples at the salesman after you open the door.
4. Hold a bucket of water and say "Ready for the splash fight?"
3. Sing "I'm a baby kangaroo boing, boing, I'm a baby kangaroo, boing boing" when you open the door.
2. Open the door with a vampire costume on and say in a creepy voice "Hello, please enter, I must warn you, though, this house is home to over 999 mischievous ghost. We always have room for one more. Muahahahahahahahahah."
1. Number one way to get rid of a salesman: Put on a hockey mask and fire up that chainsaw!

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